Cassandra Prediction Alerts Service

Phase 1 - That You Will Recibe

Telegram Alerts

Whenever the system detects that the conditions are in place to predict a rise or fall in the price of Bitcoin, it generates a warning that will be sent to you via a private Telegram group.

With Instructions

The notice contains clear indications about the validity and type of signal (buy, hold position or sell).

Then it's up to you to decide

Disclaimer: You are fully responsible for your investment decisions. Before making any investment, please analyse the risks and, if in doubt, consult a financial advisor. +Info


Automated Analytics Automatizado

Process large amounts of data in real time, to make better decisions.

Constant Adaptability

Our AI learns and adapts to changing market trends.

Advanced Forecasting

It detects patterns and relationships in the market that are difficult to perceive manually.

Minimise Human Bias

Decisions are based on data, not emotions.

24/7 operation

Constant monitoring and analysis, enabling immediate reactions.

Risk Reduction

Advanced analytics to help establish mitigation strategies.

Continuous Optimisation

Trading strategies constantly adjusted and improved.

Multivariate Analysis

Simultaneous processing of several variables that influence the BTC price.

Cost-Time Efficiency

Superior analysis at a fraction of the time and cost.

11.6 +

Compound Annual Growth Rate
0.47 +
It analyses the return on an investment, compared to the risk-free asset, and adjusted for the risk associated with that investment.